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Arizona, Nevada, and Utah’s premium self-storage facility. We pride ourselves on an excellent customer experience: from new rentals to repeat customers, we are committed to friendly service, clean facility management, and high standards for security.

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Preparing for Future Opportunities


In July, we examined ways to become more independent and budgeting resources for the future. In continuing with that theme, is how to prepare for opportunities that come your way. As you make changes in your life for the better, you should expect better things for your life. But are you prepared for the opportunities that come your way? We can help!


Start with where you are and know where you are going. If you followed the previous blog (found here), you have already taken stock of what resources you have at your disposal. This is also the time to recognize and catalog any skills, abilities, and interests that you have. When you know where you are starting, you can then focus on where you want to be in the future. Once you know where you would like to be in your personal life and occupation, you can then start planning and looking for opportunities that will push you in that direction.


Be a goal achiever. Many people give up early in the process, not because they don’t know how to set goals, but because they don’t know how to achieve them. One way to increase your chances of completing a goal is to break it down into simple steps with due dates and an accountability partner. If you don’t do this important step, it will be nearly impossible to mark your progress.


Should you feel yourself veering off course or feel that your goal wasn’t as detailed as you needed it, you can always adjust. The idea is the measurably move forward. Do not let life become a series of unplanned events in the hope that the random chaos will give you what you most want. This seldom – if ever – happens.


Remember: actions are more powerful than words.


Start immediately. Starting now brings you that much closer to the life you want, so don’t stall. If – and when – you feel overwhelmed, remember the reset method found here. Balance isn’t something you have: it’s what you cultivate, just like any other skill. View each experience as a learning experience and then make changes as necessary. At times, you may need to update your current knowledge at things that you are already good at.


Be wary of getting stuck, especially in the “acquisition” phase. You may feel refreshed and excited to start something new, but that excitement can quickly wain if focused on gaining new and shiny tools. For example, if you want to learn photography, you may feel a thrill from purchasing a camera, tripod, photo editing software, etc. However, you may notice that the excitement from buying isn’t at the same level as doing the actual work of taking pictures, spending hours editing them, and allowing for a learning curve (aka. beginner disappointment). Break down the process into small steps by learning about cameras long before buying one. Take time to read reviews on various camera models, and don’t purchase the most expensive model until you see a substantial return on your investment (then you can upgrade equipment).


Move forward in confidence. Once you start moving forward, keep going, no matter how slow. As you run into obstacles, don’t just cope: create! Keep a reflective journal to record your progress, setbacks, and how you overcome problems. Your journal will become a valuable asset as you gain momentum in your journey. It will be a reference for remembering how you dealt with past issues. You will find greater success in your reflections.


Expect opportunities to come. As you prepare and achieve your goals, opportunities will start showing up. Some of those opportunities may come in unexpected ways. Make sure you don't overlook something just because it wasn't presented the way you expected it to be. As Omar Epps once said, “I believe success is preparation, because opportunity is going to knock on your door sooner or later but are you prepared to answer that?” Expect great things to come your way. After all, you’ve planned and worked toward them, don’t be surprised when they show up!